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Manual Therapy


Manual therapy is an advanced level of physical therapy training that includes skilled, specific hands-on techniques to diagnose and treat soft tissues and joint structures. Expected outcomes may include managing pain, increasing range of motion, reducing soft tissue tension, eliminating joint inflammation, increasing joint mobility, improving joint stability, promoting proper recruitment of muscle groups, restoring normal movement patterns, improving general fitness and returning to work/sport/activity. Our practice of physical therapy concentrates on:

Soft Tissue Mobilization
This is designed to improve mobility by treating muscles, tendons and fascia as it relates to pain, posture and joint dysfunction. Specific techniques – such as massage, myofascial release and strain-counterstrain – are individualized to the patient’s dysfunction.

Joint Articulation
These are passive procedures where the therapist uses his / her hands to assess and treat altered mechanics of joint systems leading to dysfunctions.

Joint Mobilization
These are active procedures where the therapist guides the patient as they use wedges/bolsters to improve altered mechanics of joint systems leading to dysfunctions.

Exercise Rehabilitation
Your therapist will supervise you in a dosed exercise program to match your tissue injury and/or movement dysfunction. Our specialized training and equipment allows for early rehabilitation of the most acute injuries. Dosed exercise progressions will restore you to normal function and/or elite athletic performance.

Patient Education
Your therapist will educate you on how to best manage your problem during and after physical therapy; including self-care strategies, home exercises and work ergonomics. We can also advise you and, when necessary, your trainer on how to best reach all your fitness goals.

Your Treatment
At LRS PT, our treatment emphasis is on manual therapy, supervised exercise and education provided only by a licensed physical therapist. The ultimate goal is for you to return to normal activities of daily living, work and participation in sports or recreational activities. Treatment will involve combinations of different types of massage, soft tissue work, joint articulation/mobilization, exercise and education. You may be given home exercises to assist you in working toward your treatment goals.

Our rehabilitation approach first focuses on decreasing pain, edema and muscle guarding to improve joint motion. As you improve, your exercise program will be progressed to fit your needs for coordination, retraining motor patterns, balance, endurance, speed and strength training. We can assist you with the transition from exercise for rehabilitation to exercise for health maintenance, weight loss, cardiovascular improvement, return to work and even high level athletic performance.